Neo Born

Love for Green Small Planet

The Flash News

Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan (Yogyakarta, 1 Agustus 1868–Yogyakarta, 23 Februari 1923) adalah seorang Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia. Beliau adalah putera keempat dari tujuh bersaudara dari keluarga K.H. Abu Bakar. KH Abu Bakar adalah seorang ulama dan khatib terkemuka di Masjid Besar Kasultanan Yogyakarta pada masa itu, dan ibu dari K.H. Ahmad Dahlan adalah puteri dari H. Ibrahim yang juga menjabat penghulu Kasultanan Yogyakarta pada masa itu.

Wisdom Words

"Don't let setbacks get you down. Studying successful people will show you that they did not attain their success without first overcoming challenges." Catherine Pulsifer


e-gold is a digital gold currency operated by Gold & Silver Reserve Inc. under e-gold Ltd., and is a system which allows the instant transfer of gold ownership between users. e-gold Ltd. is incorporated in Nevis, Lesser Antilles.

According to the company's website, as of April 2007, e-gold had 112,188 oz (3,492.0 kilograms) of gold and 138,567 oz (4,313.1 kg) of silver in storage, which is worth approximately US$86 million. [1] There are typically 66,000 e-gold spends each day totalling 15,000 oz (470 kg), which is about US$10.5 million. There are over three million e-gold accounts of which about one quarter are active.

e-gold was founded in 1996 by Dr. Douglas Jackson and Barry K. Downey. Transactions using e-gold have grown dramatically since 2005. The total amount of gold bars (over three tonnes) in the e-gold system is approaching the size of the national reserves of smaller countries. e-gold now generates a substantial income from spend and storage fees — there is a charge of a few cents to make each e-gold "spend" and e-gold itself now earns well over a million USD per year from fees.

The number of e-gold accounts (as claimed by e-gold) grew from 1 million in November 2003 to 3 million on 22 April 2006.

Unlike fractional-reserve banking, e-gold holds 100% of clients' funds in reserves with a store of value. Proponents of the e-gold system contend that e-gold deposits are protected against inflation, devaluation and other possible economic risks inherent in fiat currencies. These risks include the monetary policy of countries or territories, which are perceived by proponents to be harmful to the value of paper currency.

The repository of the actual bullion bars with serial numbers and other data can be seen using the live "Examiner" function on the e-gold web site. Bullion is held in allocated storage with Brink's Global Services (part of The Brink's Company), Transguard Security Services (part of The Emirates Group) or MAT Securitas Express AG (part of the VIA MAT Group). Clients hold an unallocated share of this allocated bullion.

The user may take physical delivery of the precious metal upon payment of an additional fee, and provided the user has an available balance of at least the weight of the smallest individual item displayed in the Examiner. This is currently a 32 troy ounce (996 g) gold bar, which is worth approximately $29,500. However in practice, most users permit the company to store the metal for them.

e-gold does not sell its e-metal directly to users. Instead digital currency exchangers, such as OmniPay (a sister company of e-gold), and numerous independent companies act as market makers selling e-metal in exchange for other currencies and a transaction fee. Conversely, these exchange providers will buy e-metal with other currencies, again taking a transaction fee. In this manner e-metals can be converted back and forth to a variety of national currencies. The amount of a particular currency or e-metal necessary to complete a transaction is determined by the spot price of the metal in relation to the value of the currency. e-gold is known as private currency as it is not issued by governments.

Compared to other systems like PayPal, the process of buying e-gold can be confusing to a person unfamiliar with the e-gold system. e-gold, unlike e-Bullion for instance, does not sell digital currency directly to the user. According to its website the reason e-gold does not provide an in-house exchange service is so there can be no debt or contingent liabilities associated with the business, making e-gold free of financial risk. They claim e-gold does not possess currency of any nation or even have a bank account.

e-gold charges an account fee (or "agio Fee") of 1% per annum (deducted in monthly payments) on all e-metal stored.

Spending e-gold is free, with processing fees (or "spend fees") deducted from the recipient. As of 2007 these spend fees vary on a sliding scale from about 5% for spending 0.1 grams of gold to 1% for 5 grams of gold. Over 5 grams of gold, the fee is capped at 0.05 gram of gold (about $1.48 with gold at US$922 per ounce).

e-gold spends clear instantly, in contrast to cheques or credit card transactions.[citation needed] Unlike other online payment systems such as PayPal, there are no distinctions between merchant and non-merchant e-gold accounts. Anyone can instantly create a "merchant account" (there is only one type of account). All e-gold accounts carry the same fees and have the same capacity to receive and transmit e-gold account holdings.

taken from wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous said...

    is it safe?

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